To conclude this immersion into Olivia’s universe, this trip through the different countries she visited and historical periods she likes, here are more details about her projects and tastes. © Emile DP Photography What are your projects? I start to sell my jewels to shops, it is a real change because people begin to think about my work as a brand. I would like to work with Australian gemstones that exist only there. If I have more time, I would also like to go to India et follow a jewelry class because their methods are really different. I spend more and more time in London because the market – for my jewels – is increasing and these trips allow me to get fresh air. The production in Istanbul is sometimes very intense. A day at the Grand Bazaar can be exhausting, I sometimes just want to go back home, drink…Continue Reading
© Juliette Laloë. Site L'Envers du Décor
Meeting Juliette was a very rich experience. She likes to talk about her work and she has been really supportive during the launch of this website. To conclude this interview, here are more personal questions about her projects, her love of jewels and her opinion about her professional activity. Can you name three of your favorite designers? I admire a lot of designers, we are numerous. The first ones are : Espèces Jewelry, Charlotte Martyr, Monocrafft and Regina Dabdab. © Amel Kerkeni Do you have favorite jewels? What is their story? My favorite jewel is a ring my father offered to my mother when they met. In white gold and sapphire, it is very contemporary and Japanese. He found it in New York, the designer is Kyo or Kio, I can’t read the inscription and I have never been able to find the designer… What are the two main qualities…Continue Reading
First of all, I wish you a Happy New Year, a good health and nice projects for 2016. Then,  let us come back to the topic. Origin : Glass ring bought to Samuel, glass blower and jewelry designer. Where? Ethnik Glass Material(s) : glass and metal crédits photos : L’Envers du décor